Fabio A. Machado

I am an Assistant Professor in Integrative Biology and curator of the Colection of Vertebrates (COV) at Oklahoma State University. My background is in mammalogy, morphometrics, quantitative genetics, phylogenetic comparative methods and systematics.

Office: LSW 304/305



Simran Baruwal

Simran is a first year PhD student at the EMORPH2 lab. She is interested in investigating drivers of diversification at macroevolutionary scales.

Jonathan Maycol Branco

I am a PhD student in Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University. My background is in animal ecology, data science, one health and science outreach. I am particularly interested in the effects on wildlife's ecology and physiology caused by environmental factors such as landscape configuration, climate change, and contaminants.

Andrew Hughes

I am a Master’s student in Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University. I am interested in mammalogy, morphology, anthropogenic effects on fauna, and biogeography. I have a background in mammalogy and collections.

Monique Maianne

I am a PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo (Brazil). My main research interest is to understand the patterns and underlying causes of floral morphological diversity in mimosoid legumes. To achieve this, I combine phylogenetic, morphological, and ecological data to disentangle the influence of multiple factors on the evolution of Mimosa floral morphology (Leguminosae).


Kayleen Sugianto

I’m a zoology major here at OSU with a drive to show the world how incredible wildlife is! I joined the research world the summer of my sophomore year of college, working on cricket and frog projects. Now, as I begin my adventure into graduate school, I am to study the painted lady butterflies and what effects climate change has on them. Besides the busy life of a researcher and student, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and have a passion for baking!