Fabio A. Machado

I am an Assistant Professor in Integrative Biology and curator of the Colection of Vertebrates (COV) at Oklahoma State University. My background is in mammalogy, morphometrics, quantitative genetics, phylogenetic comparative methods and systematics.

Office: LSW 304/305



Simran Baruwal

Simran is a first year PhD student at the EMORPH2 lab. She is interested in investigating drivers of diversification at macroevolutionary scales.

Jonathan Maycol Branco

I am a PhD student in Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University. My background is in animal ecology, data science, one health and science outreach. I am particularly interested in the effects on wildlife's ecology and physiology caused by environmental factors such as landscape configuration, climate change, and contaminants.

Monique Maianne

I am a PhD student at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), co-advised by Dr. Machado. I am interested in understanding the evolution of floral disparification. Currently my research integrates patterns of disparity, phenotypic integration, and plant-pollinator interactions to investigate floral morphological evolution in Mimosa (Leguminosae).


Sarah Hileman

Dry collection (mammals and birds).

I am a PhD student in Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University. My primary research focus is in toxicology and environmental justice especially concerning children in urban environments. I also have a background in mammalogy in conjunction with the spread of the hantavirus in the Four Corners area.


The Machado Lab invites new applications for graduate students (Master and PhD) for the upcoming fall. We are currently developing projects on the morphological evolution of primates (e.g. apes and monkeys), carnivorans (e.g. dogs, bears, seals, raccoons) and xenarthrans (anteaters, armadillos and sloths), as well as projects on the taxonomy of sloths, canids and sea lions, and computational method development. Other project ideas are welcome. Contact the PI for more information and check the Integrative Biology website for information about the Admission procedure.